
Diabetes Naturopathy Treatment

Naturopathy Treatment For Diabetes

The Natural Way to Defeat Diabetes

Beat Diabetes, Not Sugar Coat it


The number of people who have diabetes has increased four-fold today from the figures in 1980.

Infact, India is known as the diabetes capital of the world with more than 65 million diabetes patients and 77 million pre-diabetes patients.


The alarm bells are ringing and it’s time the nation wakes up.

Sedentary lifestyle, change in food habits and lifestyle choices like smoking, drinking are often blamed for the exponential increase of this dreaded disease.

But, do you know that the very country that has the highest number of diabetes patients in the world has several age-old, treasured remedies for treating this frightening lifestyle disease? Well, yes! You can combat diabetes with Alternative Healing Methods.

Therapies like Naturopathy, Acupressure, Ayurveda and Homeopathy have proved time and again that they work wonders in not only reducing but also reversing diabetes.


Diabetes need not Accompany you, Till your Death-Bed

Though Allopathy may argue against it, Diabetes is not a life-long disease. In regular allopathic medicine, it’s believed that malfunctioning of the pancreas leads to diabetes. However, Naturopathy and several other alternative treatments believe that diabetes is often a result of a faulty lifestyle, build up of toxins in the body, pathological and hereditary factors. You can defeat the demon diabetes with Alternate Therapies. 

In fact, experts agree that insulin and drugs are not the best cure for diabetes. The most successful treatment plan for this raging lifestyle disease is a natural one. Here, you can find all the different types of naturopathic therapies, that can control and reverse diabetes.


Diet Therapy

One of the hardest aspects of living with diabetes is deciding what to eat. The American Diabetes Association states that there is “No one diet that fits all those suffering from Diabetes.” Nutrition therapy involves diabetes management with the right diet which includes simplified meal plans, healthy food choices and individualised meal planning.

Your diet therapist will work closely with you to devise both short and long-term goals. Studies show that having a dietician helps to reduce cholesterol levels, lower weight and a decreased dependence on insulin. This not only helps to reduce your blood sugar levels but keeps other lifestyle diseases at bay.



If you thought Hydrotherapy is only for arthritic patients, then you’re wrong. Studies prove that regular soak in a hot tub helped diabetic patients reduce their weight and blood glucose levels.

The Wondrous Benefits of Hydrotherapy for Controlling Diabetes are:

  • It increases blood flow to the skeletal muscles. This is particularly helpful for patients diagnosed with diabetes who are unable to undergo regular exercise due to other factors.
  • Reduction in stress levels which leads to increased circulation and lower blood pressure.
  • An effective method of pain relief. Reduction in muscle and joint paint that diabetic patients often experience.
  • Alleviation of the side-effects of diabetes like joint stiffness and limited mobility.
  • Stimulates the release of feel-good hormones in your body, making you feel better.


Mud Therapy

Naturopathy recommends mud therapy for treating diabetes. The treatment makes use of mud packs or poultices or mud baths to treat and eliminate various diseases. Naturally occurring Mud from riverbeds has several healing properties as its rich in organic sediments. It cools the central nervous system and helps to flush out toxins built up in the body over time.

Effects of Mud Therapy on Diabetic Patients:

  • It helps to correct the imbalance of the endocrinal and digestive organs which are often underactive in patients with Type-2 diabetes.
  • Increases blood circulation in the body and helps to relieve inner congestion.


Yoga Therapy

Yoga is an age-old, traditional exercise routine that has been practiced for centuries in India. It’s highly recommended to control blood sugar levels. Different asanas help in improving the efficiency of the pancreas, digestive system and the endocrinal glands all of which are sluggish in diabetic patients. The right yoga practitioner will be able to help you master the specific asanas that control diabetes.


Acupuncture and Acupressure Therapies

The points for treating diabetes are spread all over the body. Triggering these points helps to reduce blood glucose levels, control cholesterol and improve the function of the pancreas. Acupuncture makes use of tiny needles placed on the vital pressure points while acupressure applies pressure with fingers on the points.


Medicinal Herbs

According to our ancient scriptures, more than 800 plants have anti-diabetic properties. Though these indigenous plants may not reduce blood glucose drastically as insulin and other drugs, they are highly useful in the overall management of the disease and to control its complications. Herbs have a galore of therapeutic properties like reduction in cholesterol levels, antioxidants and help in maintaining blood sugar levels.



Recent studies claim that diabetes can be controlled with the use of essential oils. They play a vital role in controlling blood sugar levels. The essential oils are directly taken to the bloodstream with the help of the 50 million olfactory receptors in your nostrils.


Naturopathic Treatments are anytime Better & Safer than Conventional Drugs

They are natural and are prescribed only after a thorough analysis of the individual’s ailments. Hence, they are free from any side-effects. These therapies do not define diabetes as a doom; instead look at it as a way to make healthy changes in the lifestyle of the patient.

With time, you can be free from the clutches of the demon “Diabetes” and is on the way to healthier , bountiful and happier lifestyle.


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