
Do drugs and pills, really make us Healthy?


Are your Prescription Medicines Silently Killing You? 

Break Free from the Vicious Cycle of Prescription Drugs and Over-the-Counter Medicines

Nausea, dizziness, anxiety, muscle pain, hair loss, insomnia, fluid retention, weight gain, liver damage – these are just a few of the side effects of some of the most common prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications. 


The Never-ending Cycle of Prescription Drugs 

Let’s face it. We all want to take a “magic pill” that instantly vanquishes all our health problems. But, the truth is any pill or medication that you take, doesn’t work in a vacuum. It isn’t intended to fix a particular problem while leaving everything else alone. 

The truth is “all drugs act system-wide, causing many adverse side effects.” This leads to further health complications down the line, meaning you have to take more medications, getting trapped in a vicious cycle that has no end.


The Case of “Side-effectitis”

From common over-the-counter medications like aspirin and paracetamol to the most sophisticated prescription medicines from a specialist, all drugs come with side-effects. While some of these side-effects are minor, several are severe and can prove to be deadly.


Types of Side-effects of Medications 

Some of the common side effects of pills or tonics include nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and much more. For drugs that are applied externally like ointments and creams, skin irritation is a common side-effect.

Allergic reactions are another common problem of drugs. This can include itching, rashes to even life-threatening anaphylactic reactions.

Serious side effects of commonly prescribed drugs include heart issues, infections, kidney damage, liver damage, stroke, pancreatitis, internal bleeding, hospitalization, disability, congenital anomaly, cancer and sometimes even death.

What makes drugs highly harmful is that even a slight difference in dosage levels can lead to severe impacts. Also, drug interactions (when medications interact with other medicines or foods consumed) can lead to unexpected side-effects that are highly difficult to diagnose and treat.


Can we avoid Prescription Drugs?

There is no simple answer to this. In fact, there are several situations, when prescription drugs are necessary. But, the benefits of avoiding OTC medications and prescription drugs, while opting for natural, holistic treatment methods, as much as possible, are highly beneficial.


The Drug-free Path to Health

While avoiding prescription drugs altogether may not be possible at the outset, here are a few ways you can keep your body healthy, without depending on medications.


1.  Improve your Diet

The food we eat is the most potent drug. Foods rich in trans-fats, refined sugars and preservatives, wreck your immunity and open the path to diseases. Instead, opt for an antioxidant-rich diet full of fresh vegetables, fruits, millets, less sugar, and salt, to reduce your chances of contracting lifestyle diseases and other chronic illnesses.


2. Make Exercise a part of your Day

A regular exercise routine is one of the biggest investments you can make for your health. Exercise has the potential to prevent disease while flushing toxins from the body. Incorporating a wholesome exercise routine involving yoga asanas helps in relieving stress, strengthens cardiac muscles, tones the body and much more. Find an exercise that you love and make it a part of your daily routine.


3. Maintain a Healthy Body EMI

For several lifestyle diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure, even a slight loss of weight (just around 5 pounds) can make an enormous difference in the amount of medication that you need to treat it. Remember, even if you’re unable to eliminate your dependence on drugs completely, you can significantly cut down the number of pills you take, by shedding off those extra kilos. 

Yoga asanas, hydrotherapy, mud bath and fasting are some effective natural ways to reduce your body weight efficiently without any side-effects.


4. Get a handle on your Stress Levels

Stress is one of the major reasons for several health issues like thyroid imbalances, weight gain, weak immunity, hormonal imbalance and much more. While it may not be possible to eliminate stress, in the urban lifestyle of today, you can make sure that it doesn’t take a toll on the quality of your life.

Meditation, deep breathing (Pranayama) are a few ways to reduce your stress levels and put an end to anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.


5. Boost your Liver Function 

Your liver is the organ that processes the medications you take and ensures that all the toxins accumulated in your body are flushed out of the system. Hence, it’s vital that you keep it working efficiently. Too many medications may lead to liver failure. Make sure that your liver is at its best by including leafy green vegetables, high-antioxidant foods like green tea, fruits, and fibrous grains in your diet. 


6. Develop a Positive Outlook on Life 

Studies show that when you have a positive outlook, your body feels healthy and active. Try to avoid depressing thoughts that make you a victim to negativity. Boost your energy levels by practicing meditation, Surya Namaskar, Pranayama and other yoga asanas. 


7. Above all, Take Prescriptions with the Utmost Care

Don’t resort to over-the-counter medicines every time you fall ill. Instead, try to improve your overall health levels by natural treatment methods. And, if you have to take prescription drugs recommended by a practitioner, consult with a naturopath and work out a natural approach to treat the issue holistically. 

Natural, pill-free treatment methods not only save you tons of money but also help you enjoy lasting health.

Free Yourself from Pills & Go Au Natural


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