
why you should start your day with lemon honey water

Loaded with richness and health benefits, a simple alkaline and refreshing Lemon Honey Water drink can make a difference in our lives. As soon as you wake up, squeeze half a lemon in lukewarm water. Add a dash of honey to this refreshing drink and have it first thing in the morning.  The beauty of this simple drink is that not only is it delicious but also nourishing and hence the ultimate alkaline superstar! Include this refresher in your everyday morning rituals for kick starting the day. Other countless benefits of this drink include:


Aids in Weight Loss & Improved Metabolism

This refreshing alkaline drink can aid in achieving your weight loss goals at a faster pace. As the drink is satiating it helps you overcome the urge to snack between the meals. Have this refreshing alkaline drink first thing in the morning to get your system moving and your metabolism ignited. If we are dehydrated the metabolism grinds to a halt. Make that much-required difference to your BMR.


Improves Digestion & Helps Detoxify

Lemons contain pectin fiber which is very beneficial for maintaining colon health. This aids digestion and eases out heartburn, bloating, acidity, etc. This refreshing drink not only helps in easy bowel movement but also hydrates the colon and improves overall digestion process.Lemon is a powerful antioxidant. It helps flush out toxins built up and processed for removal during your overnight sleep. Given the high alkaline effect of citrus fruits, replacing your morning cup of tea or coffee with Lemon Honey Water will take care of your acidity and acid reflux in no time at all!


Bundle of Energy

This refreshing drink is your go to drink if you want instant boost of energy. It makes way for setting up the right mood for the day. The body has to spend no energy in digesting Honey as it has already been digested by the bees. It acts as instant glucose for your system. So, when you need that instant kick of energy reach out for lemon honey water. Anything else that you might eat will only provide the energy after it has been digested by the body (which can be as high as a couple of hours)!


Boosts Immunity

The Vitamin C in the lemons helps strengthen our immune system thereby fighting cold, cough, flu etc. Being high in vitamin C, the essential nutrient which protects our body against the immune system’s deficiencies, alkaline minerals, and other anti-bacterial and anti-biotic effects of flavanoids, this drink helps you remain healthy.



Lemons contain unique flavonoid compounds that have rich antioxidants and anti-cancer properties. Various researchesthat have been conducted have concluded that compounds in citrus fruits called limonoids have shown to help fight cancers of various regions including the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon, etc.


Fights Free Radical Formation

This refreshing drink has numerous skin benefits. Abundance of Vitamin C present in the lemon travels throughout the body to neutralize the free radicals. These free radicals can destroy healthy cells and also cause inflammation that result in painful swelling across the body. They also attack the body cells and interfere with the natural body aging process. If you want fresh and youthful skin, you need to consume a diet that is rich in antioxidants – starting with Lemon Honey Water every morning!


Make friends with Lemon Honey Water. It can help change your life in ways more than you can imagine!

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