
Naturopathy treatment for IBS

Naturopathy Treatment For IBS

Get Rid of IBS Once and For All, with a Holistic & Natural Approach

Don’t Suffer in Silence & Let IBS cramp the Quality of your Life


Do you feel like there are days when you spend a majority of your waking hours on the toilet? Welcome to the embarrassing and painful world of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS in short. It’s an intestinal disorder that affects the digestive system triggering symptoms like diarrhoea, cramps, bloating, gas and/or constipation. 


A Snapshot of the Widespread Prevalence of IBS

IBS is the world’s leading stomach disorder, and studies estimate that around 10-15% of the entire population suffer from it worldwide. Of these, a majority of the sufferers are below 45 years. Also, more women are gripped by IBS than men, because the reproductive hormones directly influence the gut. 


Not all sufferers of IBS experience the same symptoms. This makes it doubly difficult to find the right medications and dosage levels. Also, there is no proven, sure-fire way to cure IBS. Patients develop their own ways to tackle the enemy in their gut. A dietary change along with stress-relief techniques is the best way to get relief. Combine these with naturopathy techniques to control the symptoms, and you can put IBS on the back-burner in no time.


Have a look at the strategies and alternative remedies that not only provide you with relief but also treat the disease completely.


#1: Keep Stress under Control

Stress is one of the major factors that trigger IBS. Prevent it with the help of calming techniques like meditation, yoga or Pranayama. 


Focused Breathing to help you calm down


Practice this simple breathing technique whenever you feel your stress levels rising. Lie on your back or sit comfortably. Focus your attention on your breath as you inhale and exhale. Don’t let your emotions overwhelm you. Use this to calm your nerves and to feel in control.


Maintain an IBS symptom diary


Keep a journal and track down your symptoms and their severity. Also, make sure that you jot the type of day you’re having. Check out if there is any correlation between the symptoms and your stress levels. For instance, if you find your IBS flaring up especially on days where you have to make a presentation at work or have an important client meeting scheduled, you can work out the connection. Try to avoid raising your stress levels by following the breathing technique mentioned above.


#2: Don’t overwork your Intestines

There is a strong relationship between the food you eat and your IBS episodes. Here are a few ways to tackle it.

  • Try to reduce fried foods, oils, meats, margarine and other trans fats and saturated fatty foods. These fats cause violent contractions in your colon, triggering abdominal pain and diarrhoea.  
  • Go easy on the spicy foods if you are prone to IBS. For instance, the capsaicin in bell peppers causes your large intestines to spasm leading to pain and dysentery.
  • Minimise caffeine intake. It irritates the inner walls of the intestines, thereby worsening IBS.
  • Stay away from foods that cause flatulence like broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.
  • Whenever you buy gum or other candy, check out the list of ingredients. If it has mannitol or sorbitol, don’t get it. This is because these ingredients act as laxatives and trigger diarrhoea. Additionally, they are difficult to digest giving you gas.


#3: Make Fibre your Best Friend

Fibre absorbs the extra liquid accumulated in your intestines thereby controlling episodes of diarrhoea. Some good sources of fibre are green leafy vegetables, greens, and all types of beans, oatmeals and fruits like strawberries, apples, guavas, pears and bananas.


If you suffer from constipation, then make sure that you take in plenty of insoluble fibre like those present in whole wheat, millets and other grains. This type of fibre bulks up stools, making it easy to pass through your intestines.

Make sure to drink at least 2-3 litres of water daily to keep the fibre moving in your system.


#4: Smaller Meals and Slow Eating should be your Mantra

Too much food at any time makes your digestive system work extra hard. The same applies to gorging down on meals. Eat slowly; take the time to chew, so that half the work of the digestive system is completed in your mouth. Also, fast eaters swallow air while gulping food, leading to bloating and intestinal gas.


#5: Yoghurt is the Culinary Superhero for your Stomach

Frequent diarrhoea drains away the good bacteria in your gut, thereby causing harmful bacteria to reproduce rapidly. Make sure that you eat plenty of yoghurt that is rich in probiotic bacteria like acidophilus. 


#6: When in need of a beverage, Choose Tea

Drink a hot cup of green tea or peppermint tea, to relax your intestines and reduce abdominal pain. Another natural remedy for all types of IBS problems is to drink Ginger Tea. 

Here’s a quick recipe to brew the perfect cuppa of Ginger Tea:

Add a half-teaspoon of grated ginger to hot water in a cup. Steep it for a few minutes. Then, strain and drink the tea. You can add a dash of lemon for additional taste. However, stay away from sugar and milk. Drink this tea four to six times a day for immediate relief.


#7: Get Moving

Try to do some exercises, for at least 30 minutes a day, to boost your endorphin levels and to help relieve stress. Beginning your day with Surya Namaskar is an excellent way to keep your digestive system functioning smoothly.


Take control of your Life and Put an End to IBS

Always remember that your goal is to find the best long-term solutions and not just seek temporary relief. While these natural remedies take some time to work their magic, with the right guidance and the proper mindset, you can easily bid adieu to all your IBS symptoms. 

Say Goodbye to IBS and Hello to Happy tummy times!

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