
Hip Bath Magic

GO hip hip hurray! ☺


There is no denying the fact that hydrotherapy can work wonders when it comes to curing various ailments. Hip bath is a very useful and effective form of hydrotherapy and is also known as sitz bath.

As obvious from the name, in this technique, only hips and lower abdominal regions are bathed. You are required to sit in a special tub (which is why it is also known as sitz bath). About four to six gallons of water is filled into this tub such that it would reach up to your navel when you sit in it. The temperature of the water may vary depending on the problem for which it is being used. 


What Conditions can benefit from a Hip Bath?

Since a hip bath mainly concentrates on the area below the abdomen, it is usually used to deal with ailments of the scrotum or the rectum. The various issues for which hip bath can prove beneficial are 

  • Postpartum vaginal discomfort
  • Post surgery pain in the vagina or vulva
  • Hemorrhoids 
  • Infected prostate gland or prostatisis
  • Discomfort of bowel movements
  • Pain post the hemorrhoid removal
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Anal fissures 
  • Uterine issues
  • Ovarian displacement 

There is no age limitation when it comes to opting for a hip bath. Adults as well as children can equally benefit from this method. 


Based on the temperature of the water used for the hip bath, it can be categorized into four types. 

  1.   Hot Hip Bath

In this, the temperature of the water is regulated between 40˚ and 45˚C. You can start the bath once the water reaches the 40˚ mark. Gradually the temperature is increased to 45˚. This hip bath usually lasts for 8 to 10 minutes. Drink atleast one glass of cold water before going for the bath. Also, a cool compress to the head is recommended. A hot hip bath proves beneficial in relieving

  • Menstrual cramps
  • Pelvis pain
  • Pain during urination
  • Rectum inflammation
  • Painful piles
  • Sciatica
  • Bladder infection


2.   Cold Hip Bath 

When it comes to a cold hip bath, the temperature of the water is regulated between 10˚C and 18˚C. Experts recommend that one should take a cold hip bath for about 10 minutes. However, in certain cases the time could be as short as 1 minute or as long as 30 minutes. In case, a person feels too cold or weak during a cold hip bath, hot water is offered to soak the foot. During this bath, you will be expected to rub a slightly coarse wet cloth below your navel and across the body. After the completion of the cold hip bath, you can bring back your body to the normal temperature with some moderate exercises or yoga. A cold hip bath comes in handy for curing conditions like 

  • Bladder hemorrhage
  • Stomach and colon dilation
  • Prostate gland congestion
  • Uterine infections
  • Irregular menstrual cycles 
  • Impotency
  • Sterility 
  • Seminal weakness 


3.   Neutral Hip Bath

Herein, the temperature of the water is regulated between 32˚C and 36˚C. This bath can last from 20 minutes to about an hour. Unlike the cold hip bath, rubbing of the abdomen is not recommended in this bath. The conditions that can be relieved by a neutral hip bath include

  • Inflammation of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes
  • Vaginal spasms that cause pain
  • Vulval or anal pruritus
  • Serious catarrh of the urinary bladder and the urethra 


4.   Alternate Hip Bath

As might be suggestive from the name, in this kind of bath you are expected to alternate between hot and cold bath. In this case, two tubs are prepared, one with water that is regulated at 40˚ to 45˚ C and the other with water regulated at 10˚ to 18˚C. During the process, you are first expected to sit down in the hot hip bath for 5 minutes. Then switch to the cold hip bath for 3 minutes. 

This should continue for about 10 to 20 minutes. While sitting in the tub, cold compress should be given to the head. The bath should conclude with the hips being splashed with cold water. The issues that can be relieved with this technique are 

  • Inflammation of the pelvis
  • Sciatica
  • Inflammation of urinary organs
  • Lumbago 


Precautions to be taken during Hip Bath

Just like any other natural treatment, you need to take certain precautions to ensure that the hip bath brings you a lot of benefits. Here’s what you need to know. 

  • Take a hip bath at least 2 hours after a meal
  • It is important to keep track of the temperature and other directions when doing the hip bath
  • Hip baths are not recommended during menstruation
  • Pregnant women can go for hip bath only during the first trimester 

Hips don’t lie

Though hip bath seems to be a rather simple process, it improves the blood circulation in the lower abdominal region, thereby enhancing the health of the organs here. Hip bath is a good idea and can be additionally beneficial when done under expert supervision. 

Hip bath for a Happy you!

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