
Keeping the Gut Healthy

Happy Gut is a Healthy You


You may think that your gut is loaded with probiotic bacteria, after all, you make it a point to include the bottle of Yakult occasionally, whenever the tummy bug hits you. But you may be far away from the truth.


Most people simply pass off many symptoms that signal an unhealthy gut as something totally unrelated. The human body is a complex and integrated system. So, sometimes warning signs like a bad breath that appears in other parts of your body may actually be caused by imbalances in your digestive tract.


Imbalanced Digestive System

Scientists are astounded by the complexity of the human digestive system and the tremendous influence it exerts on the entire human body. Studies prove that improving your digestive health improves the following:

  • Immunity (As much as 80% of our immunity is a result of your gut health)
  • Cognitive brain functions
  • Your mood swings like controlling anger, depression, and feelings of overwhelming sadness
  • Obesity
  • Allergies
  • Heartburn and Acid Reflux
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


Your Gut – The Master Controller of your Overall Health

Our body is home to a staggering number of bacteria. In fact, the number of bacteria present in our system is more than the number of cells. Thankfully, most of these pathogens are beneficial and perform certain vital functions in our body. The key to good gut health is to ensure that good bacteria are always more than harmful bacteria.


Probiotics – Your Minions for Healthy Living

Consider probiotic bacteria in your body as your personal assistants who work 24 * 7 to keep you in perfect health. These bacteria which literally mean, “For Life” helps you to:

  • Digest food
  • Fight against bad bacteria and control the spread of infections
  • Absorb the vital minerals, vitamins and other nutrients in your food

Now, that you’re aware of the benefits of probiotic bacteria for your health, let’s look at the natural ways to boost the number of Probiotics in your body.


#1: Eat Probiotic Foods

Since ancient times, Indians have always included naturally fermented products in their diet. These are rich in probiotic bacteria, which play a fundamental role in your overall health. Natural yogurt is one of the best ways to get your daily dose of probiotics. Instead, of choosing the processed cans available in the market, try to ferment yogurt naturally at home.


#2: The Prebiotics Also matter

Enhance the efficiency of probiotic foods by including prebiotic foods too. These are foods that nourish the probiotic bacteria and help them multiply and grow in your gut. Bananas, onions, garlic, tomatoes, whole grains, chicory, asparagus, and artichoke are some foods that are rich in probiotics.


#3: Cut out Processed Foods & Sugar

The bad bacteria in your gut multiply when you eat too much sugar or processed fats like those found in cakes, cookies, chips and pastries. When there is a change in the balance of bacteria in your gut, it leads to loss of cognitive flexibility – the ability to adjust and adapt to situations.


#4: Go Vegetarian

A vegetarian diet apart from providing other health benefits like lowering cholesterol, reducing blood pressure, controlling weight and diabetes also alters the composition of bacteria in your gut. It’s so effective that changes are visible even after a few days of embracing the new diet style.


#5: Embrace the Outdoors

People now spend a major portion of their day being cooped up indoors. Fresh air is as essential to the body as sunlight. Open the windows, let the outdoors in and improve the probiotic levels in your body.


#6: Stress Less

Your gut is prone to stress, and long-term stress leads to stomach ulcers, IBS, Reflux and food allergies. Spike in stress levels can increase gastric secretion and make you prone to infection. So, ensure that you stay stress-free for your overall health.


#7: Opt for Antibiotics only if Needed 

Studies state that regular usage of antibiotics breed drug-resistant bacteria and impact the health of your gut in the long-term. Shockingly, few studies indicate that the harmful effects of antibiotics are passed from generation to generation. 


#8: Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise impacts your gut flora in a positive way. It not only increases the diversity of probiotic bacteria but also reverses the imbalances. So, do yoga or hit your gym regularly.


#9: Get sufficient ZZZZZssss

Insufficient sleep can cause severe imbalances in the bacteria in your gut, and bad bacteria can disturb sleep. It’s a vicious cycle and to break out of it is difficult. Start by establishing good bedtime routines and clock in the necessary sleep.


#10: Don’t be obsessed with Cleanliness

Reaching for your hand sanitizer every often indiscriminately kills all bacteria including the good ones in your system. Being exposed to different streaks of bacteria improves your resistance and overall health.


5 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Lower Stress & Improve Gut Health

  1. Meditation – It’s amazing how something as simple as taking the time to focus on your breath can have such a huge impact on your overall physical and mental health.
  2. Aromatherapy – Breathing in essential oils helps to reduce stress and improve the fauna of your gut.
  3. Physical Exercise – Regular exercise improves your mood and keeps your gut healthy.
  4. Diet – A balanced diet is the key to perfecting gut health.
  5. Laughter – Find a buddy or tune into your favourite rom-com to produce a good, throaty chuckle. Your gut will thank you.


Final Thoughts

Your gut is one of the most important parts of your overall health. Give it the necessary care, and it will take care of you in return. So, if you want to lead a healthy and happy life, then the gut is the right place to start.

Cleanse & Nourish your Gut to Lead a Healthy, Disease-free Life

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