
Using Sun to Heal Naturally

Get Sun Kissed for Good Health and Happiness


The sun is a vibrant force sustaining life on earth. Its beneficial properties have been known to mankind since time immemorial. For these reasons and more, the Sun or Surya occupies a vital place in Indian philosophy, and is revered as such. 


In today’s day and age, with so much time spent indoors cooped up in offices, harnessing the sun’s healing energy has become more important than ever. There are quite a few ailments which can be managed better by using the sun’s curative powers. 


  • Osteoporosis and Vitamin D deficiencies – There is absolutely no need to rely on tablets to meet your body’s Vitamin D requirements. A few minutes of sunlight every morning is enough to replenish your body’s stock and keep your Vitamin D levels up to scratch as well as keep osteoporosis at bay.
  • Anti-cancer properties – Some nature therapy doctors have reported cases where some kinds of cancers like breast cancer have gone into remission with the help of sun therapy.
  • Benefits for infants– Many babies develop jaundice a few days after birth. Exposing the skin of the infant to early morning sun rays, even through a closed window is helpful in fighting the disease without resorting to blue light therapy. It also aids in the better bone growth of infants by supplementing the calcium they receive.
  • Sunlight boosts immunity – White blood corpuscles which are the soldiers in our body become more active in the presence of sunlight. This aids the body to resist and fight infection better when our body is attacked by germs and virus.
  • Age-related brain problems – Incidences of dementia increase with age in people confined indoors without exposure to enough sunlight. That is why early morning walks in the sun, or basking in the sun is essential for seniors. The high curative properties of the sun are the reason you will see older people sitting in the gardens during the day.
  • Effect on skin ailments – Sun therapy is especially recommended to people suffering from skin problems like eczema, vitiligo, psoriasis, and acne. The sun’s rays purify blood and clean out skin pores while also injecting fresh life into them.
  • Disinfection – There is nothing like the sun to clean and disinfect wounds, destroy bacteria, and cure fungal skin infections. Where damp and moisture harm, the sun cures and nourishes.
  • Advantages for children – Playing in the sun not only gives children required Vitamin D, but it also helps them grow taller and healthier with increased flow of oxygen. The health of their bones and teeth improves with exposure to sunlight.
  • Effects on other ailments – People suffering from obesity, paralysis, asthma, gout, tuberculosis, and high blood pressure can also benefit from the sun’s healing rays.
  • Fitness and mental health – Sunlight is known to get your happy hormones, like serotonin, flowing. In cold places, just having a sunny day is a big bonus and enough to lift people out of depression. Walking, running, and exercising in the sun gets the blood pumping and is the best thing you can do to keep fit and build stamina. That is why yoga practitioners prefer practicing their daily asanas under the early morning sun.


How To Take Maximum Benefit of Sunlight?

There is no need to go overboard in baring your body to sunlight; too much exposure can also do harm. The best way is to expose your whole body, not only your face, arms, and legs to the sun for 15 to 20 minutes. The best time to do it is early morning when the sun’s rays are not too strong and do not burn your body.


Also, you can also cover yourself with any of these while sunbathing to benefit further – mud pack, wet or dry towel, banana leaves. Another option is to keep brushing water on yourself or get an oil massage while basking in the sun. This way, your muscles relax, your bones become healthier, and your skin gets disinfected, all at the same time.


A Few Things to Remember

  • Keep yourself and your children hydrated in the sun. Without realizing, your body can lose water in the heat and you may feel dehydrated unless you take proper care.
  • Keep your head covered so that you avoid headaches and irritation in your eyes.
  • Bathe with water after sunbathing. This cools down the body and maximizes the benefits of your sunbath.


The sun is a life-giving source which the human species is now using more and more to develop renewable and sustainable forms of energy. It is free, it is abundant, and it is for everyone. You can go on a beach vacation and sunbathe, or just a few minutes spent on your balcony or your terrace can keep you rejuvenated and young. In cold places, it is particularly important to take advantage of the few days or hours of sunlight which come your way. You will immediately see the difference in your health and mood.


Ancient as well modern research goes on to prove that how sunlight aids in fighting various diseases and helps to improve the general health of the population. There is no prescribed age to start taking advantage of this limitless resource. The earlier you start, the more you will gain, the happier you will be, and the better you will live. Too much of anything can be bad, so don’t get your skin burnt in the sun. But do step out to get your daily dose of happy sunshine!


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