
Winter Skin Care Tips

Some tender love and care, is all that your skin needs in winters. 


Winter is here, and the mercury is dipping at a steady pace. With the air becoming dry and cold, it tends to strip your skin off its moisture, leaving it dry and rough. Additionally, the electric heaters and hot showers too wreak havoc on the skin. 

Though dabbing on moisturizer seems to be a panacea for winter skin blues, it is not enough. In fact, you need to take extra care for your skin more during the winters to keep it soft and supple. Yes, this sounds like a chore. However, following a natural and healthy skin routine is much needed to nourish your skin during the harsh winter months.


What Causes Dry Skin during winters?

According to the ancient scriptures of Ayurveda, Vata in the human body tends to be dominant during the winter season. This directly affects the moisture level in the skin, thus leaving it dry and scaly. Stress and diet that disturb the Vata balance can cause the skin to lose its natural moisture. 

But, don’t worry. You can easily fight the ill effects of Vata and restore the moisture of your skin to make it soft and glowing. Here are some tips that will help you to keep your skin silky smooth and glowing during the cold months.  


  1.   Veggies, Veggies all the Way 

Though drinking lots of water is the first and foremost thing that you need to do during winters, this sometimes gets tough what with you feeling less thirsty. One of the best ways to compensate for this is to gorge on vegetables that are high in water content. Thus, including veggies like cucumber, carrot, lettuce, radish etc in your daily diet ensure hydration of your skin. 


2.   Bird Food for Skin 

Time and again, experts have stressed on the importance of including seeds and nuts in the daily diet. A rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids and fibers, these also comprise of natural oils that can work wonders for the skin. What’s more these nullify the drying effects of excessive Vata in the body. Include nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, flax seeds etc in your diet. You can either munch on these as a healthy snack or can include them your bowl of cereals. 


3.   Vouch  by the Cuppa 

Tough though it may seem tough, staying hydrated is the key requirement for a moist and supple skin. Drinking water is one of the best ways to keep at your hydration goals. However, sipping on warm liquids throughout the day can also help in keeping your skin hydrated and the Vata at bay. However, instead of opting for coffee or tea, go for herbal or green tea. Black tea with ginger is a great pick as it boosts the health of the digestive system, which is equally important for the skin.  


4.   Breathe In, Breathe Out 

According to experts, stress is also one of the major reasons for accumulation of Vata in the body. So, it is important to keep your stress levels under check, in order to keep your skin healthy and glowing during winters. Meditation is one of the best ways to do this. Taking deep breaths, emptying your mind of all the unwanted thoughts and focusing on the good are the true essence of meditation. Spending about 5 to 10 minutes meditating will not only raise your spirits but will also add sparkle to your skin. 


5.   Sweat it Out 

If you thought you need to exercise only to tone your muscles and keep yourself fit, think again. As you sweat it out at the gym, the blood circulation in your body improves. This in turn adds a healthy glow to your skin which no amount of blush or bronzer can give you. 


6.   Moisturizing is the Key 

Hydration of the skin is both an internal as well as an external process. Irrespective of the amount of fluids you drink, you need to spend some time to take care of your skin. This becomes all the more important during winters. Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser. Then apply a toner to restore the pH balance of your skin. Lather on a heavy coat of moisturizer to your face, hands and legs. Regular body massages with oil can also help in keeping your skin supple during winters.


7.   Sleeping Helps 

Lack of sleep can wreak havoc on your skin. It also leads to a Vata imbalance which further aggravates skin dryness. Thus, it is very important to sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours. Doing some light Yoga before going to bed helps in slipping into sleep easily. 


8.   Say No to Hot Water

Don’t we all love hot water baths? Tempting though this may sound, hot water robs the moisture and oils off your skin, leaving it dry and flaky. So, avoid hot showers in the winters. Instead, opt for lukewarm water. In case you can’t give up on the hot showers, make sure to at least use lukewarm water for cleaning your face and hands. 


Skin Deep

Skin care in winter becomes more important what with the skin feeling dry all the time. However, let this not bog you down. Just taking a little more care is all that it needs to keep the skin glowing, supple and pretty. Remember that with the extra care you won’t have to rely on a blush for those rosy cheeks. 

Get that winter glow with a healthy skin care regime your skin needs.

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